Celbridge Tidy Towns
         Hit counter
        Welcome to the Celbridge Tidy Towns Website             
    Contact Ph:  086-2200678           Email: tt-ctt@CelbridgeTidyTowns.com

                      Number of volunteers - 56 in 2017 - more very welcome

                 Celbridge - Walking Trail - 30 points of interest


  *** Celbridge Wins Silver 2015 & 2016***



View Wildlife Report 2013

             ************** APPEAL ***************

Donations to help fund your Tidy Towns work can be lodged to:-
Allied Irish Bank, Main Street Celbridge,
A/C No: 05235092 – Sort Code:93-35-03

We need around 15,000 Euro per annum to stay afloat.
Our main expenses are:-
Grass cutting - 10,000 Euro
Flowers - 1,000 Euro
Plastic bags - 1,000 Euro
Flower tubs and baskets - 3,000 Euro

       Report littering offences to 1800-243143 or by e.mail to environ@kildarecoco.ie
                                           LITTER ACT - Summary

Our Mission Statement
To generate awareness, co-operation and enthusiasm amongst the people of Celbridge in a concerted effort to enhance the natural and built environment of the town.
Our Objectives                                                                  
- Increase pride and morale in the community
- Public awareness of litter and waste management
Wildlife conservation and enhancement

- Protection of fresh water resources
- A healthier environment
- Improve waste management
- Reduced waste