Tuesday evening work has recommenced on 1st May 2007.
Work consists of litter picking, weedkilling, flower bed cleaning and planting. All welcome - contact 086-2200678
Tidy Towns are running local competitions this year.
Best floral display on a business premises.
Best tidy estate - 3 estate size categories.
Judging to take place in July 2007
1. The necessity to devolve a separate and dedicated section
of the Local Authority administration to focus solely on the resolution
of problems caused by litter and despoiling of the environment in
general by individuals and corporate entities.
2. The lack of adequate provision of bins in public and social
areas and the need for more frequent collections of bins, particularly
in areas of greater social usage such as those adjacent to fast food
3. The necessity to develop a policy that will make planning
permission for the building development, particularly in relation to
derelict or potentially derelict sites in urban locations, contingent
on the develop maintaining such a site in a manner that does not
degrade the surrounding environment.
4. the necessity for the Local Authority to comprehensively and
fully fulfil its legal obligations under the Litter Pollution Act 1997